Valves are a simple mechanical or simple electro-mechanical device that are used to control the flow of gases, liquids, powders, etc. through the pipes or the tubes from the tanks or other containers. Mostly, the valves depend on the design of mechanical barrier i.e., a ball, a plate, a diaphragm that can be inserted and removed from the flow stream of the material that is passing by. Some of the valves are designed into on-off models, while others are designed to allow proper control of the path of substances. Types of Valves Ball Valves Ball Valves supplier , made a kind of valves that incorporate ported spheres that rotate in the pipe stream to either block, or allow, flow. They are quarter-turn valves that are used practically when the flow of the fluid must be shut off from a compressed-air line to a high-pressure, hydraulic system. Butterfly Valves Butterfly Valves suppliers , made a quarter-turn valves which employ centre-mounted circular flaps that swing into, and out...